Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More Podcasts

Epiphany Diner. Haunted Mansion. Hot dog or Corn Dog? Confronting Patriot Radio.

Bucky Beaver? Prostate Cancer. At the Marines exhibit. Poet Laureate for Minnesota. The DFL Stance. Hungry again. Corn Fritters. University of Minnesota’s Great English Majors. Persist despite injury. At the Chapel. Let’s eat. Dipping Dots. The Great Machine. They don’t eat corn in Germany! Minnesota Zydeco! We meet a fellow student. At the Quilt center! Creative Activities. Lefse Bakery. “She always has to go.” Colleges and Lions. Jesse Ventura! Pickle Shirt. A question at the Mensa Exhibit.

A Strange Scene! The Parades! Ronald McDonald Confronted. Finger or Thumbs Down? Appalling Uniforms. The Mounties! Polka Spotlight. Al Franken Speaks! We cheer! Al remembers Dwight Eisenhower. Joe Lieberman’s Teeth. Petting a Piglet. Future Farmers of America. A Musical Interlude. Sheep bleating. Final Thoughts. On the Bus. Bus driver yells at kid who has hand out window. We overhear a guy who sounds just like the Rainman. He discusses Minnesota wrestlers of the sixties. Mad Dog. The Baron. All nice guys. “My aunt went out on a date with the Crusher.” Cindy Lou the Dog. Listen to this guy. Perfect!!!!!!!!

Direct download: A_Visit_to_the_Minnesota_State_Fair.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 10:04 AM

The time: 1992. The place: Smoking room of Cray Research. Time to Completion (est) about three hours over three days. Ah, the mojo was with me then!
Direct download: Little_Noddy_The_Ballad.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 12:32 PM

We all have to make a living-- even we poor poets. Here are five episodes of workday life from my office: DarkSource, St. Paul.

We write policies and procedures for our government here in Minnesota.

Goldy is our receptionist/switchboard operator. We are located on the corner of Selby and Western in St. Paul in the Blair Arcade. Drop in sometime. We won't be there but Goldy will. Just tell her what you want so she can forget it!
Direct download: DarkSource_St.Paul_Episodes_One_Through_Five.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 5:40 PM

Books 12 through 24.
Direct download: odyssey1.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 9:03 PM

Includes "The Mighty Jim" and "A Christmas Story,"
Direct download: The_Mighty_Jim3.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 12:22 AM

Homer's Iliad translated into limericks by Tim Smith and Joe Green. The first four books.

"This translation fulfills an unnameable need" T.S Eliot
Direct download: The_Limerick_Iliad.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 6:02 PM

The second episode of the Sir Douglas Falstaff Poetry Reading Showdown.

Distinguished jazz poet and roustabout Dale Credico reads "Babylon" by Robert Graves.
Direct download: Babylon.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 10:13 PM

The first entry in the Sir Douglas Falstaff Great Poetry Readings contest.
Read by its author, Timothy Smith, twenty one years ago in the cabin at Owl Oak. Sailor Dreams.
Direct download: SailorDreams.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 11:14 PM

William Butler Yeats comments on Ron Silliman's deep thoughts anent scrunchies.

The Flop Eared Mule brings you the first episode of "Dueling Poets."
Ron Silliman and Kent Johnson duel over a poet's clinamen! Yes! Shocking!

A Simple Pirate Song by Tim Smith

More about bums...

Direct download: SimpleDesultory.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 8:43 PM